You need to worry about bed bugs in a lot of places—both inside and outside your home—but your attic usually isn’t one of them. Can bed bugs infestations occur in your attic?

That’s because bed bug infestations are usually focused near bed bugs’ food source, which is human blood. That explains bed bugs’ affinity for beds—they don’t have to crawl far to feed, and no one notices them while sleeping.

bed bugs in walls

Unless it’s being lived in, an attic is simply too far from any food source for bed bugs to choose to live there. If you bring bed bugs home with you (which is the leading cause of bed bug infestations), they’re probably not going to make their way to the attic! They’re going to find a place close to you to hide.

But does that mean you shouldn’t be concerned about bed bugs infestations in your attic? Not at all. Bed bug infestations in attics aren’t common, but they can happen.

 Is My Attic Also Infested by Bed Bugs?

When you move into a new home, you might not know the history of the attic. Don’t be afraid to ask if people slept in it. If the answer is “yes,” then inspect the attic for signs of infestation. Bed bugs can live for months without a food source—sometimes longer than a year.

A preexisting bed bug infestation in the attic could easily be spread to the rest of the home if you’re not aware of it. If there are bed bugs up there, you can be sure they’re just waiting to hitch-hike a ride down to where the humans stay.

Be Careful What You Store

Bed bugs are notorious for crawling into luggage, which many people throw right into the attic when returning from trips.

Used furniture can also be a problem. You might bring home a piece that you plan to use later and store it in the attic until then. You shouldn’t bring used furniture into your home at all without thoroughly inspecting it for bed bugs, and sticking it in the attic certainly won’t keep an infestation from spreading.

Bed Bugs Infestations: Maybe They’re Bat Bugs

What you think are bed bugs in your attic may actually be bat bugs, which are related to bed bugs and look almost the same. As with bed bugs, you’ll need a professional exterminator to eradicate this problem, as well as the bats that are bringing them in.

Learn more about Bed Bug Infestation