Westchester Bed Bug Services
Full Bed Bug Service from Inspection to Removal
Visual Bed Bug Inspections
One-Stop Treatments
Emergency Removal
Accurate Bed Bug Dog Inspections
Brooklyn Specialists for Bed Bugs
We Are Effectively Control Bed Bugs in Westchester
Did you wake up with rashes on your arms and legs? Then, don’t be surprised if there are bed bugs under your cozy sheets. Nearly every household, office or building falls prey to bed bugs at one time or the other. Call our expert bed bug exterminators to reclaim your peace.
Blaming the bed bug infestation on poor hygiene or housekeeping is a false assumption. Even with all the care and hygiene, you can still get an infestation of these pesky pests. Changing bed covers or throwing away most of your bedroom stuff isn’t going to help the situation. Bed bugs hide in your bed, sneak into your drawers and lurk around the furniture.
Call in the professional services of The Bed Bug Inspectors for expert bed bug removal. We are well appreciated, proficient and experienced in Bed Bug extermination through bed bug heat treatment and bed bug steam treatment.

Tell-Tale Signs of Westchester Bed Bug Infestation:
- Rashes on arms and legs leading to lesions in people with allergic reactions to bed bugs
- Blood stains on mattress
- Lack of sleep
- Itchiness
- Bite marks that appear between 1 to 14 days after being bitten.
You can find brownish red dot-like bedbugs in the seams and under the mattress. Beds bugs aren’t confined to homes either. You can contract them in trains, hotel, buses and even in movie theatres. They are known to be expert hitchhikers. It’s easy for them to jump into your bags, luggage or clothes as you travel through public transport such as buses or trains. Later on, they climb onto your furniture as you relax in your home and get into your folded clothes, beddings, or everywhere else around your house.
How We Remove Westchester Bed Bugs
Dealing with bed bugs can be scary, but our bed bugs exterminators in Westchester are experts. They take a methodical approach toward bed bug removal and use innovative equipment to treat your bed bug infestation.
Our qualified bed bug exterminators Westchester conduct a thorough examination of all the harborages of bed bugs. Our particular focus lies on mattresses, cracks and crevices, draperies, furniture and even your laundry.

Control / Prevention
Our technicians execute an integrated bed bug heat treatment and bed bug steam treatment program that includes:
- Bed bug steam treatment for your bedding including mattress, box spring, bed frames, stands, armoires, etc.
- Bed bug heat treatment of the major and minor cracks and crevices of the premises, carpeted surfaces, wall voids, cracked ceilings, and walls.
- Aerosol treatment is specially offered to ensure damage free treatment of moisture sensitive items like books and artwork.
- Our team offers installation of cost-effective encasement system for bedding to secure it from future bed bug invasions.
Post Extermination Process:
Contact our team 24 x 7 for emergency situations.
Proper Guide/Tips for future pest control.
Individual Customer support to address your queries and complaints.
With our expert bed bug heat treatment and bed bug steam treatment, you are sure to have the best services for your Westchester property.